1. Advent of Code

    The Advent of Code is an annual celebration, competition, and generally fun exercise that takes place each year beginning December 1st thru the 25th.

    Participants can use whatever means or languages they are comfortable with to solve themed puzzles, two per day during the month. Puzzles are generally more difficult as the month progresses and often build off prior days' solutions. For instance, one year's theme involved coding a "computer" (more of an API) that could process the puzzle's input. The computer was required to handle more complex instructions as the event progressed.

    My solutions are generally written in Python, but my AoC repository is woefully underserved.

    View the 2015 repository on GitHub


    • Clean up and upload the rest of 2015
    • Work on completing 2016-2021
    • Complete the 2022 event as it becomes available

  2. Epicodus

    Epicodus is a full or part-time code school located in Portland, Oregon. I am actively completing the curriculum for this school.

    Some Epicodus practice projects include:

  3. Pivotr

    Pivotr was my first large-scale project, and the first large project to be actively used by myself and colleagues in the workplace.

    This program aims to automate tedious processes involved in converting financial institution reporting files (generally in .txt, .csv, or .xlsx format) into a cleaned up, human-readable, pivoted format that is ready for analysis.

    This project is written in Python, using Kivy as the GUI framework and leaning heavily on pandas for tabular data processing. Data scrubbing processes that would typically take 15-25 minutes were reduced to seconds without the bloat of Excel weighing them down. In general, the program would produce and export the data in Excel format in less time than Excel takes to open on the user's machine.

    View the respository on GitHub


    • Continue to refactor and improve existing code
    • Improve compatibility with additional financial co's
    • Remove the stacked/tabbed export options in favor of a user-defined custom layout
    • Add additional functionality to error/sanity check the data

  4. PyDis

    PyDis is the largest semi-official Discord server for the Python programming language. The server boasts over 100,000 members, numerous topical channels on software design, security, bots/webcrawlers, and "softer" skills related to building a career with Python.

    I have been a contributing member of this project for several years, and a staff member of the channel since 2020.

    PyDis official homepage